You are looking for recreation and relaxation, want to reduce stress and bring more serenity, joy and ease into your life? You want to take a vacation and want to learn Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and other transformative techniques ? You are looking for inspiration to find a healthier and more conscious lifestyle and wanna fill up your energy for your day-to-day life?
Then you are spot on with us! Come to the amazing island of Sardinia, explore the blue zone lifestyle with us, relax and recharge in a stressfree and non-judgemental atmosphere while you are growing your health and your well-being.
Surya Summer Start Retreat
15.–22. June
Surya 4 Days Mini Retreats
4.–8. July
3.–7. August
Surya Late Summer Retreat
September 7-14
Yoga Holidays with Benjamin Fink and Julia Désirée Huber
25 May–1. June
Ashtanga Yoga Retreat
with Boris Georgiev
21.–28. September
Ashtanga Yoga Intensive with Benjamin Fink and Anton Böhler
5.–12. Oktober
Yoga Holidays Package
Bookable any time, from 3 nights
Yoga and Italian Course
9.-13. June
27.-31. October
15.–22. June 2025
Early Bird from € 1.135,-
July 4-8, 2025
August 3-7, 2025
Early Bird from € 690,-
September 7-14, 2025
Early Bird from € 1.135,-
25. May–1. June
Early Bird
21.–28. September
Infos follow
Early Bird
5.–12. October
Infos follow
Early Bird
Bookable any time
from 3 nights stay in a single or double room, incl. breakfast and min. 3 yoga sessions
From € 210,–
9.-13. June
27.-31. October
Learn italian in the morning, relax with yoga late afternoon
€ 550,–
Easter & autumn holidays
Experience adventure, explore the south of Sardinia, relax with yoga, go on holiday, discover beautiful beaches and nature
From € 500,–
Your private retreat with us, a program tailored to your wishes? Whether with friends, family or a team, we offer you our cozy, well-equipped rooms with a delicious vegetarian breakfast (dinner by arrangement) and a »blue zone« experience in a relaxed & familiar atmosphere and a program individually aligned to your needs with yoga, meditation, pranayama (breathwork) as well as optional massage and personal training.
You are a teacher, trainer or coach and would like to run a seminar, workshop or retreat? We are happy to host you! You can be there for your group, we’ll take care of the rest. So you can fully enjoy a relaxing inspiring time with your group.
Our location is suitable for small, private groups of max. 10 participant: 5 rooms, rooftop shala with sea view, large garden with terraces and relax zones. Details on request.
"Almost forgot to leave my rating here after our beautiful stay at the Villa Bella Salmagi. Located on a hill with stunning view, 20 car minutes east of Cagliari, Verena and Harald deliver an exceptional holiday experience, not only what accomodation is concerned, but also show a state of the art hospitality. The Austrian couple knows how to make you feel comfy, home and super welcome. What is special is the breakfast, knowing that Italians pretty much ignore this meal, you can here have a delicious start of the day, either on a hearty ham, salami, jam mix or a great nutritious müsli, made from Haralds cousine loving hands. I would recommend a car to hit the nearby beaches, even though there is a 10 min walking distance beach if you cope with the steep walk back up after your swim. The Villa’s garden is full if amazing plants, not only nice to look at but also cool down the area a bit. Verena has black belt in Yoga 😉 so we had a lesson with here which was great, a bit hot though in July but if you come outside of high season that rooftop there is perfect for it. Rooms are very nice and larger than what you usually get, also the bathroom is spacious. We already booked for next year, so not coming back is already out of questions. Mi piace molto!"
"Vielen Dank für alles, so schöne Erinnerungen an den tollen Urlaub bei Euch. Ich habe das Retreat wirklich sehr genossen und fand es war eine super Mischung aus Yoga, Meditation und Entspannungsübungen. Ich habe für mich vor allem Atemübungen mitgenommen, die ich jetzt regelmäßig mache. Und Yin Yoga, das mochte ich vorher nicht so gerne und war seit dem Retreat schon bei ein paar Kursen. 🙂 Auch die Verpflegung war natürlich ein Traum, wirklich unglaublich lecker und vielfältig! Also ich werde Euch auf jeden Fall gerne weiterempfehlen oder komme selber mal wieder!"
"Es liegt mir am Herzen, Euch noch bevor ich wieder in den Alltag eintauche Feedback zu geben. Verena, Du hast diese Woche wirklich liebevoll gestaltet und uns ein Buffet an tollen Yoga-Übungen aufbereitet. Deine sanfte und motivierende Art, uns allen diese manchmal gar nicht so einfachen Übungen näher zu bringen, hat richtig gut getan. Ich habe mich jedenfalls sehr wohl gefühlt, obwohl ich doch "fast" ein Yoga-Neuling bin. Auch die Abwechslung zwischen den unterschiedlichen Yoga-Stilen, den Meditationen und der Wanderung war großartig. Sahnehäubchen: Yoga "on the rooftop" - herrliches Ambiente mit wunderschönem Blick auf`s Meer - die Villa Bella Salmagi - ein herrlicher Platz in Sardischer Natur pur! Meine Motivation ist groß, meine täglich "yoga-time" auszubauen. Auch Dir, Harald, nochmals herzlichen Dank für die mega geschmackvollen - mit soviel Liebe zubereiteten - Köstlichkeiten anlässlich Brunch und Abendessen. Ich wünsche Euch weiterhin viel Freude im Paradies von Sardinien - der Abschied fiel mir heute schwer! Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen!!"
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